Monday, December 01, 2008

Christmas, Christmas time is here

I think Adriana is old enough sort of understand some of Christmas this year. We'll put up a tree and decorate next weekend. I point out Christmas trees and lights every where we go. We're reading The Polar Express and A Visit from St. Nicholas often. I'm playing Christmas music at home. When Christmas comes, we'll go to a Christmas Eve service at a nearby Congregational Church and have a nice dinner, just the three of us. In the morning we'll open presents, and then spend the rest of the day with my family. The following weekend we'll head down to Southern California for a repeat performance with Brian's folks. I'm so excited about this season, and the fact that this year I really get to share it with Adriana. I think she's excited about it too. Just so long as I don't abandon her on the lap of any strange bearded men, even with her baby doll for protection.

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