We've been saying for a while now that Adriana needs a haircut, but seeing this picture of her from over the weekend finally convinced me that I needed to do something to get her hair out of her eyes.

So I got out the scissors on Tuesday, and snipped her bangs. I didn't do a perfect job, but the wildness of her hair most days covers that up.
hi elizabeth, i saw that you had left a comment on clairs's blog and found my way to your blog that way. (it is sarah from LLL here.) adriana is beautiful! her haircut looks great. i think that the fact that she has some curl makes the haircutting a bit easier. lucy's hair is really straight and i if get it lopsided it is totally obvious. stella is getting a lot of hair in the past few months. i am not sure what to think since lucy was bald as an egg until she was 2 years old. are you still in alexandria or are you in california now?
great to see pics of the growing girl and great blog!
That last comment reminded me of a warning (from one who has curly hair and whose mother cut it) - if you cut her bangs when her hair is wet - remember to cut about an inch less than you want to, they curl up! She is adorable and I can't wait to see all of you in October!
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